Bulletin of Mariupol State University Series: History. Political Studies Collection of research papersBulletin of Mariupol State University Series: History. Political Studies Collection of research papers
The publication is authorized by the Scientific Council of Mariupol State University
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Masarykova univerzita V brně Fakulta sociálních studiíMasarykova univerzita V brně Fakulta sociálních studií
Prohlašuji, že jsem diplomovou práci na téma „Europeanization of the Turkish political system“ vypracovala samostatně a pouze s využitím pramenů, které jsou uvedeny v přiloženém seznamu použité literatury a internetových zdrojů
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Towards an African Journalism Model: a critical Historical Perspective Ibrahim Seaga Shaw AbstractTowards an African Journalism Model: a critical Historical Perspective Ibrahim Seaga Shaw Abstract
Western ‘modernity’ and ‘civilisation’. In particular, by exploring the origin and transformation of journalism in sub-Saharan Africa before, during and after colonialism
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Miguel Carreras Scott MorgensternMiguel Carreras Scott Morgenstern
Latin America to generate a map of the evolution of partisan loyalties in Latin America in the period 1980-2012. Our analysis reveals that the conventional view of widespread partisan dealignment in Latin America is largely inaccurate
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History 2600 Spring 2009 NotesHistory 2600 Spring 2009 Notes
When Columbus lands and “discovers” America in 1492 North America was already a civilized land with an old and distinct culture
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